Saturday, August 22, 2009

I think i am done...

I have to confess. The past year, i have been grabbing sweats at Walmart to cover my body. Having extra weight and not loving your body can be very frustrating. Everything i have been wearing has been work out clothes...all my hubby large T-shirts (all stained and crappy by now). I would go to the store and see a cute chubby girl with cute clothes and think..."Why can't you do that? She looks cute! What is your problem?".
I have been waiting to fit my clothes again. Well, it is not happening yet.
I am going to shop for my body so i feel good about myself.
You know what i hate? All the clothes i bought because they were cute and would fit me later with 10 less pounds on my stomach. Not again! Crap!
I just started then, new me, with cute clothes. Working on the Kate Spade look...Will show pictures of my inspired looks later.
XOXO to everyone, and go shop for a cute top!

Challenge me please

What about this one, eat a salad everyday for lunch. If you eat out everyday for lunch, grab a has to be the portion of a bowl...not plate.


This is a California roll...I can't get enough!...I got it from Target...cause the restaurant is too stressing with the kids by myself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sometimes we have to reinvent ourselves.

Depression diet

When someone exercises enough, they are not depressed. So our body tells us how much we need to have a balance...conveniently it make us burn calories.
Let's face with our economy, everybody loosing jobs, houses, sanity. We need to listen to our body. Eating does not help with depression. Exercising does. This is the natural way for us to "run away" from our problems.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I like it a lot

Here is the new Kate Spade fashion for Fall....I love it...not everything..i don't like the zebra coat and blue tights.
I also like skirts to be to the knee.
So here what i did...i printed the 2 pages and will take it with me in my purse when i go to the store. If i see something look a like, i will try it and buy it.
Yeah...No way i will spend 200 bucks for a shirt....Unless I am on What not to wear and have 5000 bucks free, LOL.

Dress me please

I was watching "what not to wear" Friday. I actually record them too. I have learned a lot about dressing myself on those shows. They always have different women with different figures and shape.
I also love to see how they put things together....Watch it Friday.